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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shocking Footage of Community Organizers Praying to Obama

Posted by staff on 7:39 AM

Monday, September 21, 2009

Interesting video on ACORN by CNN

Posted by staff on 10:49 AM

Was browsing the web, came across this video done by CNN, on ACORN. What a glimpse into things to come. Can someone say irony?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Subpoenas issued in Louisiana

Posted by staff on 9:49 AM

ConservatismNOW has obtained copies of subpoenas issued last month to ACORN by the state of Louisiana. Check them out below.

Louisiana ACORN subpoenas -

What a wonderful start to the dismantling of this corrupt criminal organization. Let's hope that the rest of the states in the union follow suit.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

JImmy Carter is A RACIST

Posted by staff on 2:16 PM

Jimmy Carter claims Joe Wilson is a racist. Hmmmm. Did we forget this?

JIM LEHRER: And do you think that -- if it happens that he is elected, or even just being nominated, is -- will send positive ripple effects throughout the country on the race issue?

JIMMY CARTER: Around the world. Around the world. And I think it already has sent a wave of approbation and admiration in many countries around the world, just knowing that this black boy who grew up with just a loving mother and grandparents -- and that was about all he had to start with -- does now have a chance to become the nominee of the Democratic Party for president.

And Rose and I have visited a few more than 125 nations since I left the White House. And we've seen a disillusionment about our country in the last eight years, with a lot of things happening, like torturing of prisoners and that sort of thing. I won't go into detail about that.

But I don't think there's any doubt that there's a spirit and a bright, new hope for America within this country and around the world. And if Obama is elected, which I think he is going to be, then I think that will be the transforming race for the end of racism, and prejudice, and hatred between races in this country.

JIM LEHRER: That's quite a statement.

JIMMY CARTER: I believe it's true.

"This Black Boy" You guy's want to call Joe Wilson a racist? With no proof. Now where is the racist claims against Carter? Here is a guess, they are not coming.

"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. ”

— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944

Robert C. Byrd. Democrat. Member of the KKK. DEMOCRAT.

How soon we forget democrats. How soon we forget. RACISM is all around us, just seems that the Democrats are the ones perpetrating it.

SEIU'S Underage Sex Scandal

Posted by staff on 1:50 PM

It’s Not Just ACORN; SEIU’s Underage Sex Scandal
by Bret Jacobson
The ACORN-linked, “public option”-mongering Service Employees International Union has its own black eye to contend with. A former official with SEIU Local 1000 in California was slapped with a 25-year prison sentence for charges of child molestation and making/possessing child pornography. News10 reports a troubling angle:

Jaime Enrique Feliciano, who served as president of Service Employees International Union Local 1000 representing thousands of Sacramento-area state workers, had previous convictions for child molestation and failure to register as a sex offender.

Previous convictions? ACORN and SEIU deserve each other.

A Great Clip by Glenn Beck

Posted by staff on 1:48 PM

Show your Support.

Posted by staff on 1:42 PM

Our goal here at ConservatismNOW is to bring you the latest, and best news possible. We are an opinion based website, that means everything you read, may be one sided, but none the less, is the truth. If you are interested in blogging, or just contributing in any way, feel free to email us at ConservatismNOW@gmail.com

To show your support, spread the word, tell your friends. Subscribe to us on twitter.com/ConservatismNOW or listen to us on BTR. All links are in the sidebar. We are proud of our American values Show your support!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Posted by staff on 2:05 PM

Reps. Boehner, Cantor, Camp to IRS: Sever ACORN Ties Now

Posted by staff on 12:06 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009

A brief look at EARMARKS

Posted by staff on 7:08 PM

Members of Congress defend earmarks as federal funds they need for projects that will help their local districts.

But the taxpayers' money goes to such projects as finding ways to utilize wood, preventing brown tree snakes on Guam and supporting California's vibrant wine industry -- in all 50 states and for much longer than originally intended.

Take "wood utilization" research. Since 1995, taxpayers have spent nearly $100 million to find ways to utilize wood. And even though 12 federal agencies already preserve, promote and protect trees and the timber industry, congressmen from 11 states tack on another $4 million a year for similar projects.

Money for shrimp aquaculture has been funded yearly since 1985, and lawmakers recently added 74 earmarks worth $76 million to help shrimp farmers in states like Arizona and Texas. This year they want $2.9 million more.

Other earmarks include: $15 million to prevent brown tree snakes in Hawaii and Guam.

Heritage Foundation economist Brian Riedl say some earmarks stay in the budget year after year, often because they have the same campaign contributors who are effectively buying a government grant.

"And once Congress develops special interest with the recipient, they keep going back to the well. And the result is no matter how wasteful and stupid some of these earmarks are, like utilization research, you just can't get rid of them," Riedl says.

Ireland has an economy many argue is in better shape than the U.S., and yet since 1986 U.S. taxpayers have given $265 million to that country for "economic and social development."

Taxpayers are still subsidizing the International Fund for Ireland to the tune of $14 million a year.
Taxpayers also subsidized peanuts with 10 earmarks totaling $4.8 million since 1997. Alabama lawmakers are asking for another $413,000 in 2010. This is in addition to the $8 million the USDA already spends on the peanut industry.

U.S. wine sales last year topped $30 billion, and yet California and New York lawmakers used your money to provide them $90 million in research. This year they want $7.6 million more. The table grape industry received its own $3.5 million grant, while the Center for Grape Genetics in upstate New York has pulled in roughly $2 million in each of the last 4 years.

Critics say if these programs really were important, federal agencies would include them in the budget. Fact is, most of them are not because they can't win a competitive grant and really are just pork, or something that benefits a pet interest or benefactor of a given lawmaker.

Thanks to Maine Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, lowbush blueberry growers received 14 earmarks worth $3.4 million since 1995, not including the $173,000 they want again this year.

"The earmark system we have now has not always been this way. Fifteen years ago there were only 1,000 earmarks per year. Now there's 10,000 earmarks per year," Riedl says.

"The result is while it costs only $20 billion per year, these earmarks are used to persuade congressmen to vote for trillion-dollar spending bills So, they end up greasing the entire wheels of big government."


Posted by staff on 4:47 PM

The Johanns Amendment # 2355 to H.R. 3288 passed by a margin of 83 to 7.

The seven “NAYs”:

Casey (D-PA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Leahy (D-VT)
Sanders (I-VT)
Whitehouse (D-RI)

Complete list of names to come soon. This is the group that voted NO. These 7 senators voted AGAINST pulling funding for ACORN. These seven should NEVER be reelected.

HUD to ACORN "Get your money somewhere else!!"

Posted by staff on 4:42 PM

OH MAN!!! ACORN JUST LOST ITS HUD FINANCING. The hits keep coming!!!!!

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted Monday to block the Housing and Urban Development Department from giving grants to ACORN, a community organization under fire in several voter-registration fraud cases.
The 83-7 vote would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

The action came as the group is suffering from bad publicity after a duo of conservative activists posing as a prostitute and her pimp released hidden-camera videos in which ACORN employees in Baltimore gave advice on house-buying and how to account on tax forms for the woman's income. Two other videos, aired frequently on media outlets such as the Fox News Channel, depict similar situations in ACORN offices in Brooklyn and Washington, D.C.

The Senate's move would mean that ACORN would not be able to win HUD grants for programs such as counseling low-income people on how to get mortgages and for fair housing education and outreach.
Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., said that ACORN has received $53 million in taxpayer funds since 1994 and that the group was eligible for a wider set of funding in the pending legislation, which funds housing and transportation programs.
Just last week, the Census Bureau severed its ties with ACORN, saying it does not want the group's help in outreach efforts on the decennial count.

In recent months, Republicans have become increasingly critical of the census' ties with ACORN. The group, which advocates for poor people, conducted a massive voter registration effort last year and became a target of conservatives when some employees were accused of submitting false registration forms with names such as "Mickey Mouse."
Just last week, prosecutors in Miami-Dade County, Fla., arrested 11 people for falsifying hundreds of voter applications during a registration drive last year. ACORN tipped the authorities off to the problem.

On the hidden camera controversy, ACORN says it has fired the employees involved but has lashed out at Fox for pumping up the scandal. In a statement, Bertha Lewis, ACORN's chief organizer, said the tapes had been doctored and violated Maryland's wiretapping laws. She promised to sue Fox.


Posted by staff on 12:28 PM

"Astro Turf" eh? You see Nancy Pelosi, you called down the thunder, and now you have got it. The voice of the American people will not go unheard. These are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and various other "party's" that have gathered at your doorstep to tell YOU there non representing representative's that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Also, just to let you know, ConservatismNOW will be broadcasting this afternoon via BlogTalkRadio.com check out our official radio program, and call in to have your voice heard.

And now for the videos:

Posted by staff on 7:02 AM


Posted by staff on 6:50 AM

Well it looks like ask, and you shall receive. Not 24 hours ago did I ask for a THIRD video, and looky looky, we got hooky. Seems the offices in NYC are no different. This smear campaign just got real. Once again, the same 2 people walked into yet again ANOTHER ACORN office, and YET AGAIN was advised how to break the law by ACORN employees. SO let me guess, they (ACORN) are going to fire the employees, then they are going to claim a conspiracy. Oh man, if there is fourth video out there, thats it. If 2 vid's were not bad enough, now we have 3. Here's to 4.


Days after the release of hidden-camera videos led to the firing of four ACORN workers in Baltimore and Washington who assisted an independent filmmaker posing as a pimp to apply for an illegal housing loan for a brothel, a third video has surfaced showing ACORN workers offering the same kind of assistance at the organization's office in Brooklyn, N.Y.

As in their previous undercover stings, filmmaker James O'Keefe, 25, and partner Hannah Giles, 20, who posed as a prostitute, received advice from ACORN workers on how to launder their earnings and avoid detection from law enforcement officials while running a prostitution business.

"You have to find another name for it," an ACORN employee tells the pair seeking a mortgage in the Brooklyn office. "Honesty is not going to get you the house. You can't say what you do for a living."

In the video posted on BigGovernment.com, which was shot on Aug. 4, O'Keefe tells two ACORN workers that Giles — scantily dressed as a prostitute named "Eden" with partially-exposed undergarments — earns up to $10,000 a month "performing tricks" and tries to obtain housing in the purportedly 18-year-old woman's name.

"This is going to be her business, it's all cash," O'Keefe says. "She's gonna have this business in the house with a bunch of girls coming and doing these things, you know, performing tricks and she's gonna give me the money so I can pay the mortgage. That's how we want to work it potentially. But no one has to know where the money is coming from."

"No," an ACORN employee responds as another shakes her head in approval.

The ACORN employees suggest that the purpose of "Eden's" business remain a secret as they seek to obtain financing.

"You know, what goes on in the house, we don't care," an ACORN worker says on the video. "We just help you with the mortgage."

Later on the video, an ACORN worker tells Giles that she needs to say she is a "freelancer" to establish a legitimate line of credit, and she advises the woman to open multiple bank accounts in which she should deposit no more than $500 a week to avoid raising suspicion.

"Don't say that you're a prostitute thing or whatever," the woman says on the tape, later suggesting that Giles hide her money in a tin buried beneath the home. " … And you don't tell a single soul but yourself where it is."

ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS
Another ACORN worker reminds the pair that prostitution is illegal, but stops well short of showing the duo the door.

"Don't get caught," the ACORN staffer says on the tape. "It's against the law what you're doing and there's a chance you'll get caught."

Earlier videos taken at ACORN offices in Washington and Baltimore led to the firing of two employees at each office, and on Friday the U.S. Census Bureau severed ties with the group in the wake of the controversy.

ACORN — Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now — has been accused of widespread voter fraud during the 2008 presidential election by assisting unqualified voters to register.

The organization's chief organizer, Bertha Lewis, released a statement on Saturday saying that while she could not defend the actions of the terminated workers, O'Keefe may have committed a felony during the sting operation. She also threatened legal action against FOX News, which has aired the videos.

"It is clear that the videos are doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed by conservative activist 'filmmaker' O'Keefe and his partner in crime," Lewis said. "And, in fact, a crime it was — our lawyers believe a felony — and we will be taking legal action against Fox and their co-conspirators," she said.

O'Keefe, meanwhile, told FOX News he wants an apology from media outlets "covering for ACORN" and the organization itself.

"They don't have any leg to stand on, so they're saying I dubbed in my voice, which is completely absurd," he said. "When the truth comes out in the end, they're going to be apologizing to us."

O'Keefe said he was merely trying to hold the ACORN offices accountable.

In O'Keefe's earlier videos, which were released on BigGovernment.com, the filmmaker and Giles received much of the same advice from ACORN staffers.

In Baltimore, Giles, while posing as a prostitute named "Kenya," could be seen telling an ACORN staffer that she earned roughly $8,000 a month. The ACORN employee then suggested to "Kenya" that ACORN could submit a tax return for 2008 showing that she made $9,600 for the entire year — instead of $96,000 — and that ACORN would charge "Kenya" $50 instead of the usual $150 fee for preparing her taxes.

The ACORN staffer also suggested that "Kenya" list her occupation as a freelance "performing artist."

"It's not dancing, trust me," O'Keefe said on the video.

"But dancing is considered an art," the ACORN staffer replied. "[Exotic dancers] usually go under performing artists, or yeah, they usually go under performing arts, which will be what you are — a performing artist."

The "pimp" later said that he and "Kenya" planned to bring as many as 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador to work as prostitutes. Although an ACORN staffer pointed out that their plans were illegal, she also suggested that the girls could be claimed as dependents.

"What if they are going to be making money because they are performing tricks too?" the pimp asked.

"If they making money and they are underage, then you shouldn't be letting anybody know anyway," the ACORN staffer said, and laughed. "It's illegal. So I am not hearing this, I am not hearing this. You talk too much. Don't give up no information you're not asked."

Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., saying the videos suggest multiple incidents of tax fraud, has called for a hearing to investigate ACORN's tax filing assistance programs.

"In light of the apparent flagrant and willful attempts to suborn tax fraud, I ... (am seeking) a hearing of the Oversight Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee as soon as practicable to investigate ACORN’s activities," he said Friday.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

ACORN Stirs the Pot Even More, Threatens Legal Action.

Posted by staff on 8:47 PM

Can we start some sort of legal fund for this guy? The nerve of ACORN and there cronies to claim that these videos are doctored and fake. It is SO obvious that these are legit, and yet, ACORN claims that Fox News has created a huge conspiracy against them. Its so laughable its almost tragic. Heres a question for you ACORN, if this was such a scam, then why fire 4 people over it? Why not stand up for your workers? Sounds like someone is scared to me. I for one cannot wait to see every last ACORN office boarded up, and its leadership hauled away in handcuffs.

read on...

The independent filmmaker whose hidden-camera videos prompted the firing of four ACORN workers is demanding an apology from ACORN for calling his work a fabricated "scam" and daring the activist group to take legal action against him.

"Bring it on," filmmaker James O'Keefe said Sunday on FOX News.

That was after ACORN lashed out at O'Keefe, who with his friend Hannah Giles posed as a pimp and prostitute looking to evade the IRS and apply for an illegal housing loan for a brothel. The sting operation caught four ACORN workers in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C., offices appearing to offer their help.

Those workers were subsequently fired, and the U.S. Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN in the wake of the controversy. But ACORN chief organizer Bertha Lewis issued a written statement Saturday saying that while she cannot defend the actions of the workers who were terminated, O'Keefe may have committed a "felony" with his operation. She also threatened legal action against FOX News, which aired the videos but did not produce them.

"It is clear that the videos are doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed by conservative activist 'filmmaker' O'Keefe and his partner in crime. And, in fact, a crime it was -- our lawyers believe a felony -- and we will be taking legal action against Fox and their co-conspirators," she said.

In an interview with FOX News senior correspondent Eric Shawn, O'Keefe said he wants an apology from those media outlets "covering for ACORN" as well as from ACORN itself. He said he doubts ACORN will file suit.

"They don't have any leg to stand on, so they're saying I dubbed in my voice which is completely absurd," he said. "When the truth comes out in the end, they're going to be apologizing to us."

O'Keefe said he was "just trying to hold these organizations accountable."

Lewis said in her statement that O'Keefe's "scam" was attempted in several other cities but had "failed for months."

O'Keefe declined to comment on the allegedly unsuccessful attempts, but said it's a "lie" to claim that any ACORN offices "kicked us out."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Next stop HUD

Posted by staff on 12:53 PM

My responses have been added with the italics. Pay close attention to the quotes in BOLD. Man, I love blogging.

Credit FoxNews.com

Conservatives have cheered the Census Bureau's decision to sever ties with ACORN because it had lost confidence in the group, but the hidden-camera videos that prompted ACORN to fire four workers this week could raise more questions about the federal funding ACORN receives for housing outreach.

ACORN Housing Corporation received $1.6 million to provide housing services to low-income communities in this fiscal year, ending Sept. 30, according to USASpending.gov, a federal government Web site for tracking government grants.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants has given $8.2 million to ACORN in the years between 2003 and 2006, as well as $1.6million to ACORN affiliates.

HUD could not be reached for comment.

The hidden-camera videos, released this week, showed workers in two separate ACORN housing offices apparently helping a couple posing as a pimp and prostitute evade the IRS and apply for an illegal housing loan for a brothel. A 25-year-old independent filmmaker, James O'Keefe, posed as the pimp in the undercover expose, which was conceived by a friend, 20-year-old Hannah Giles, who posed as a prostitute.

It wasn't immediately clear whether the offices shown in the videos had received any of ACORN's federal grant money for housing services.

The Census Bureau notified ACORN on Friday in a letter that it is severing all ties with the group for all work having to do with the 2010 census.

"Over the last several months, through ongoing communication with our regional offices, it is clear that ACORN's affiliation with the 2010 Census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has indeed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 Census efforts," read a letter from Census Director Robert M. Groves to the president of ACORN.

"Unfortunately, we no longer have confidence that our national partnership agreement is being effectively managed through your many local offices. For the reasons stated, we therefore have decided to terminate the partnership," the letter said.

ACORN responded Saturday by blaming FOX News and conservatives for fueling the controversy.

"By its actions, Fox is not a news outlet but rather an advocacy organization for rightwing interests that seek to defeat healthcare reform and stymie solutions to the foreclosure crisis," the group said in a statement to FOXNews.com. "That said, with regard to the Census, ACORN has always said it would encourage full participation in the decennial count, and we will continue to do so."

ACORN chief organizer Bertha Lewis claimed that the videos capturing her former workers were "doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed by conservative activist 'filmmaker' O'Keefe and his partner in crime."

REALLY?!?!??!??! Then why fire the employees???

Lewis said ACORN will take legal action against FOX News and those involved in the making for the videos. ACORN offices in San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, among other places, were also targeted, she said.

"I am appalled and angry; I cannot and I will not defend the actions of the workers depicted in the video, who have since been terminated," she said

Here is a question, if you are appalled and angered, then why the threat of legal action? This in itself is admission of guilt. I have said it before, and I will say it again, one incident is a foul up, two separate incidents, in two separate offices IS A POLICY. Acorn is NOTORIOUS for its shady dealings. They have been proven corrupt, and now the rats are going to run from this sinking ship. Top that off with the firing of the 4 workers, and you can see how this threat of legal action will go nowhere for Acorn. Acorn has had a huge blow delt to them, and this is just the beginning. I cannot wait to see, if there are any more videos that have yet to be revealed. HUD is next on the chopping block for Acorn. We need to rise up and show HUD that they are supporting FRAUD and ABUSE of the system that tax payers are funding. If this can be done, another leg of Acorn will be taken out. Remember kids, take the money, take the power, crumble the organization.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Census Director to Acorn "Go to Hell"

Posted by staff on 3:43 PM

Credit Foxnews.com

The Census Director has sent a letter to the National Headquarters of ACORN notifying the group that the Census Bureau is severing all ties with the community organizing group for all work having to do with the 2010 census. ACORN had previously been tapped to help with low level data gathering. A copy of the Director's letter has been sent to Congress and relevant committees, as well as ACORN.

This latest news comes as two more ACORN officials were fired Friday after a second video surfaced showing staffers in the community organizers' Washington office offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute acquire illegal home loans that would help them set up a brothel.

The firings came less than 24 hours after another pair of ACORN officials from the group's Baltimore office were canned for instructing the "pimp" and "prostitute" how to falsify tax forms and seek illegal benefits for 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador that pair said they wanted to import to work as child prostitutes.

Both of the encounters were videotaped on a hidden camera wielded by 25-year-old independent filmmaker James O'Keefe, posing as the pimp — tapes that have ignited calls for investigations of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

The group's leaders said Friday they were "appalled and angry" at what their staffers had done, but insisted the videos were part of a political "smear" campaign and not representative of the institution as a whole.

"But that does not excuse the behavior of the employees," wrote ACORN's president Alton Bennet and executive director Mike Shea. "We have fired them and are initiating an internal review of practices and reminding all staff of their obligation to uphold the highest legal and ethical standards."

Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., called for a hearing to investigate ACORN's tax filing assistance programs following the release of the videos he said suggested multiple incidents of tax fraud.

"In light of the apparent flagrant and willful attempts to suborn tax fraud, I ... (am seeking) a hearing of the Oversight Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee as soon as practicable to investigate ACORN’s activities," he said Friday.

O'Keefe, the filmmaker, was accompanied by 20-year-old Hannah Giles, who posed as a prostitute. On a videotape of their visit to ACORN's Washington's office, they are seen receiving guidance to establish the woman as the sole proprietor of a bogus company to mask the nature of her business.

"She's not going to put on (the loan application) that she's doing prostitution ... she doesn't have to," a now-fired ACORN staffer says. "You don't have to sit back and tell people what you do."
Related StoriesACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS

Nah Nah Nah Nah, Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey, Gooooodbye

Posted by staff on 3:14 PM


This is a HUGE win for Conservatism!!!!! The Census Bureau has reportedly CUT TIES WITH ACORN. More to come, with official documents in a few moments. This is a HUGE win for Conservatism.

Ooops they did it again.

Posted by staff on 12:13 PM

Are you KIDDING me. Once is bad, Twice is policy.

The newly released videotape, shot on July 25, shows ACORN staffers explaining to the pair how they can hide the woman's professed work — prostitution — and get a loan that will help them establish a brothel.

James O'Keefe, a 25-year-old independent filmmaker, posed as the pimp while visiting the ACORN office, accompanied by 20-year-old Hannah Giles, who posed as the prostitute. On a videotape provided to FOXNews.com, they are seen receiving guidance to establish the woman as the sole proprietor of a bogus company to mask the nature of her business.

"She's not going to put on (the loan application) that she's doing prostitution ... she doesn't have to," the ACORN staffer says. "You don't have to sit back and tell people what you do."

The ACORN staffer is heard suggesting that O'Keefe can purchase a house, and as the landlord, if he is ever questioned by authorities, he can say he was unaware of the illegal business going on inside.

"[W]hen the police ask you, (tell them) you don't know where (the money is) coming from," the staffer said. "We are looking out for you."

The ACORN employee later suggests that O'Keefe, who said he had a budding political career, not linger at the house in case people "put the dots together" and leave him "smeared and tarnished" by his association with his prostitute girlfriend. She should keep her business "low key," the employee continued, saying "You have neighbors and they see stuff. Don't think that people won't get on the telephone and call Fox."

An ACORN spokesman told FOX News the group would need to look at the full tape and transcript before commenting.

Throw Shoes at Bush, get $10 million????

Posted by staff on 12:21 AM

Nice. Just what we need....another activist.

Credit FoxNews.com


The Iraqi television reporter who threw his shoes at former President George W. Bush in one of the more bizarre episodes of the Iraq war might use his new iconic status in Iraq to promote humanitarian causes, his family said.

The reporter, Muntadhar al-Zeidi, is to be released Monday after nine months in prison. He will be greeted by a nation where many feel his act of protest encapsulated their own bitterness over the war and U.S. occupation.

Parties and music are planned at his family's home in Baghdad, where his brother was hanging posters of him on Thursday. But the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who was deeply embarrassed by the outburst, will not be celebrating.

The prime minister was standing beside Bush during his final visit to Baghdad as president on Dec. 14 when the journalist shot up from his seat at a press conference and whipped his shoes one by one toward the president's head while calling him a dog.

Bush was unhurt but had to duck twice in a stunning moment captured on TV and replayed countless times.

n March, al-Zeidi was convicted of assault. His three-year prison sentence was reduced to one because he had no prior record and now he is to be released three months early for good behavior.

Al-Zeidi, a 30-year-old bachelor who was a virtual unknown working for a minor TV network, now has undeniable star power and is contemplating his future.

"My understanding is that al-Zeidi might quit his work as a journalist because he is sure that he will be turned away or boycotted by government officials," his brother Dargham said. "Rather, he told me he is interested in working in a humanitarian organization or becoming an activist for women's and orphans' rights."

He has also had offers to go into politics for several independent parties, but he has declined, his brother said.

His employer, Al-Baghdadiya TV, is certain he will return to work there, however, in a comeback that would likely boost the small network's viewership numbers. The Iraqi channel headquartered in Cairo has continued to pay his salary during his time in prison and even bought him a new house.

"As far as I know, and from what he has told me — and I speak to him weekly — he will come back to work for Al-Baghdadiya," said station manager Abdul-Hamid al-Sayah. "He is very attached to the station."

The manager, speaking from Cairo, said the network continues to stand by him.

"We don't condone a journalist using a shoe to express himself," al-Sayah said. "But when you read his background and his story, you understand his frustration with the occupation and his nationalistic feelings."

The station plans a press conference with al-Zeidi and a talk show appearance where he will explain his actions and assure fellow reporters that "he does understand and respect the noble profession of journalism," al-Sayah said.

At al-Zeidi's office in Baghdad on Thursday, a cleaner was dusting his chair and computer. Colleagues were hanging pictures, including one showing al-Zeidi flinging open a jail cell door and stepping out along with a pair of doves.

Al-Sayah said the reporter might travel abroad to recuperate and was welcome to choose to work for the station outside of Iraq. The network has offices in Jordan, Egypt and Syria.

Some questioned how al-Zeidi would be able to work again as a journalist in Iraq, where government officials offended by his moment of rage are inclined to avoid him.

"Al-Zeidi's situation in Iraq will not be an easy one," said political analyst Nabil Salim. "Because of his fame, some anti-government politicians will try to make use of al-Zeidi in their election campaigns, while some government officials will always look at him with suspicion and it will be very difficult for them to deal with him."

His family, meanwhile, is worried about his safety and will try to keep celebrations small because of security concerns, his brother Dargham said.

In 2007, al-Zeidi, a Shiite, was kidnapped by gunmen while on an assignment in a Sunni district of north Baghdad. He was freed unharmed three days later after Iraqi television stations broadcast appeals for his release.

Then in January 2008, he was arrested by American soldiers who searched his apartment building and released him the next day with an apology.

Those experiences helped mold his resentment of the U.S. military's presence in Iraq.

Many in Iraq and around the Middle East share those feelings — one of the reasons his act was so widely celebrated. It inspired Internet games and T-shirts and led some to try to offer their daughters to him in marriage.

There were also reports that a Saudi man wanted to pay $10 million for one of the shoes.

His shoes, however, won't become museum pieces or anything else — investigators destroyed them trying to determine if they contained explosives.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Acorn Fires Dynamic Duo

Posted by staff on 8:09 PM

Well you knew it was going to happen, and who can blaim them. Remember kids, deny deny deny, and fire anyone that makes you look bad!!!

Taken from Foxnews.com

Thursday, September 10, 2009
The community organizing group ACORN has fired two employees at its Baltimore office who were seen on hidden-camera video giving advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman pretending to be a prostitute, as some legal experts raise questions over whether the employees broke the law.
The staffers appeared to commit federal tax fraud by offering to help them — for a fee — to establish a child brothel, legal experts say.
In a video made public Thursday, two visitors to an ACORN office in Baltimore told staffers they needed assistance securing housing where the woman, a 20-year-old who called herself "Kenya," could continue to run her prostitution business.
An ACORN official told the couple how to falsify tax forms and seek illegal benefits for 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador that they said they wanted to import as prostitutes.
Though no tax forms were filed and the child prostitutes didn't exist, the ACORN official engaged in "numerous acts of criminal facilitation," said Judge Andrew Napolitano, FOX News senior judicial analyst.
"Criminal facilitation occurs whenever a person encourages, enables, entices, or explains to another how to commit crimes with the real purpose of helping that person to commit those crimes" — a violation the ACORN employee "committed in full," he said.
Napolitano said the worker could also face charges for criminal conspiracy, though each charge would require a heavier burden to prove: a so-called "act of furtherance" — a concrete move that makes the conspiracy active.
Napolitano outlined eight crimes the ACORN worker could potentially have committed that could bring a total sentence of 24 years in prison, including criminal facilitation and conspiracy to:
• (a) commit prostitution
• (b) operate a prostitution ring
(c) file false documents with taxing and other government authorities
• (d) file false documents with a bank [also known as bank fraud]
• (e) violate numerous immigration laws
• (f) transport children into the U.S. for immoral purposes
• (g) transport women into the U.S. for immoral purposes [also known as violating the Mann Act]
• (h) impair the welfare of minors.
But not all legal experts agreed that ACORN had committed a crime. Trial attorney Lee Armstong said that the employee had engaged in "repulsive ... disgusting behavior," but nothing illegal occurred because the entire scenario was a sham.
"For aiding and abetting tax evasion, for aiding and abetting child prostitution ... you need the actual crime," said Armstrong, an attorney for Jones Day in New York. "That's what's missing here."
Armstrong said that the videotape appeared to show the ACORN official hatching a conspiracy, but no violation occurred because the 25-year-old filmmaker was only "pretending" to be a 25-year-old pimp.
"You need an actual agreement between two people to commit a crime. If one person is just faking it, you don't have a meeting of the minds, you don't have a conspiracy," Armstrong told FOX News. "How do you clap with one hand?"
ACORN — the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — calls itself a network of families "working together for social justice and stronger communities," according to its Web site.
But the organization has been accused by conservatives and Republicans of committing fraud in voter registration drives around the country, and reaction to the videotape came swiftly after its release on Thursday.
"Taxpayers should be outraged that their money has gone to an organization that, in addition to facing charges of voter fraud and tax violations, is willing to facilitate prostitution," said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.
"As this video confirms, ACORN continues to operate as a criminal enterprise."
In a selection from the video, ACORN officials treated the "pimp's" illegal schemes with nonchalance and offered to help further what they knew to be crimes.
"It's illegal. So I am not hearing this, I am not hearing this," said an ACORN staffer who identified herself as an accountant. "You talk too much. Don't give up no information you're not asked."
Because the group receives millions of dollars in federal grants, Napolitano said, "ACORN agents and employees are required by law to adhere to high standards of lawful and ethical behavior; standards akin to those required by law of federal employees."
ACORN suggested a plan of action for the purported pimp and prostitute, but did not fill out tax forms with any false information. But because the official sought a $50 fee for ACORN's services, a conspiracy charge could still be considered, a defense attorney told FOX News.
"Conspiracy requires an agreement to do something unlawful and an act in furtherance," said Mark Eiglarsh, a New York-based attorney. "There's an agreement to assist in creating the brothel, in tax evasion, a number of other offenses."
The act in furtherance, he suggested, could be the staffer's seeking payment for the work. "I think that a prosecutor ... would agree to go forward on a conspiracy count," he said.
Whether or not prosecutors charge any ACORN officials in Baltimore, the filmmaker himself could be in hot water.
A Maryland state statute requires consent from all parties whenever a conversation is taped, according to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Violations of the law are punishable by a maximum of five years in jail and a fine up to $10,000.
But that statute does not apply to videotape recordings — only to phone calls or other electronic "communications," Napolitano argued — meaning the filmmaker is likely in the clear.

Acorn = Pimping for Obama

Posted by staff on 10:27 AM

Well well well. It looks like Acorn has been caught with there pants down so to speak. What a great day for America. If you havn't seen the videos, check them out here.

Can't wait to see how the democrats deal with this one....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Obama admits TAXES are coming

Posted by staff on 1:09 PM

Well isn't this interesting? Obama finally comes out and admits that things may not be going as well as he had hoped, and on top of that, shows his hand, and admits that he is going to have to tax the american people. What have we been saying all along? Check out this news article, and you be the judge.

Obama denounces emphasis on health care protests
By LIZ SIDOTI (AP) – 23 hours ago
BELGRADE, Mont. — President Barack Obama on Friday denounced news media emphasis on scenes of angry protesters at town-hall meetings on health care as he fielded polite but tough questioning on his efforts.
"TV loves a ruckus," Obama said.
Trying to sell his overhaul plan amid an increasingly noisy and partisan debate, Obama told a town hall-style meeting in an airport hangar, "What you haven't seen on TV and what makes me proud are the many constructive meetings going on all over the country."
While hundreds demonstrated outside, there was no sign of protesters on the airstrip where Air Force One landed or inside the hangar at the airport near Bozeman.
The crowd, estimated by the White House at about 1,300 people, was civil though Obama did get some pointed questions. One came from a man who called himself "a proud NRA member," referring to the National Rifle Association, and said he got most of his news from cable TV.
"You can't tell us how you're going to pay for this," the man said. "The only way you're going to get that money is raise our taxes."
"You are absolutely right. I can't cover another 47 million people for free. I can't do that. We're going to have to find money from somewhere," Obama said.
He noted a congressional estimate that legislation being considered in the Senate could cost $800 billion to $900 billion over ten years.
But he said there were ways to find money other than raising taxes, including streamlining the system and eliminating what he said were subsidies to insurance companies.
"But your point is well taken," Obama said. "I appreciate your question and the respectful way you asked it."

Friday, August 14, 2009

What a REAL Townhall looks like.

Posted by staff on 10:38 AM

Not Rude? A Doctored Video? Watch as Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee Dances around a question like a pro!

Posted by staff on 10:31 AM

What are we paying these guys? And WHY?!?

Posted by staff on 9:38 AM

The economy is down, people are struggling to survive, and yet our elected officials are making money hand over fist.
Now to be fair, some members have in fact chosen to turn down increases in their pay, but the majority have not. And they continue, to this day, to increase their salary every year. As of 2009, the average "rank-and-file" members of the House and Senate make at least $174,000 a year. That does not include their per diem, and perks. Think about this. You are paying $174k + a year, to people who don't even represent your views. Every time they want to take a trip, it's coming out of your pocket.

What's the solution? Take the power away from them to do so. Give that power back to the people! After all, aren't we THEIR boss? And doesn't YOUR boss dictate if you get the raise or not? So why should this be any different?

Keep this in mind, if Benjamin Franklin had is way, elected government officials would have received NOTHING for their service to the country. And I am hard pressed not to agree with that theory. Government service, aside from the military, should be a volunteer, non payed position. Then maybe they would take there heads out of there asses, and start worrying about what's happening to the citizens, and stop thinking about that next easy pay day.


Shows are up on the net

Posted by staff on 9:36 AM

Well, we are finally into the whole swing of things. We are now up on twitter, facebook, and of course, blogger.com
If you are reading this, you know that, but if you didn't know about our facebook, and our twitter, make sure to add us!
You can check out the radio show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ConservatismNOW/

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